Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.



April 2012

Stabbing Rampage Halted By Gun Owner

Written by , Posted in Gun Rights

While nannies like Michael Bloomberg continue to wage war on the Second Amendment, guns are saving lives (Hat-tip: All American Blogger):

A man stabbed two people at the Smith’s Marketplace grocery store in downtown Salt Lake City before being subdued by a bystander.

…According to a witness, it appears one man was stabbed in the side of the head and another was stabbed in the stomach. The exact condition of the victims is unknown, but police believe the injuries are very serious and possibly critical.

…Police say a bystander with a concealed carry permit witnessed the attack and stepped in to keep it from escalating.

“(The bystander) was suspicious of what might be going on, and when he saw the stabbing, he just drew his pistol and challenged the individual,” which caused the alleged attacker to lie down on the ground, said Salt Lake City police officer Brian Purvis.

How many more victims there would have been if not for this gun-toting bystander, we can never know. But one thing I know for certain is that you won’t see this story get any significant play at the national level, as it doesn’t fit the narrative.