Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.

State of the Union Archive



January 2012



Lasting Economies Are Not Built

Written by , Posted in Economics & the Economy, Free Markets

During his State of the Union speech, President Obama expressed his desire for an “economy built to last,” an oxymoron emblematic of the President’s embrace of Keynesianism and other failed economic philosophies. Simply put, strong economies are not built; they emerge.

To be built implies that there be a builder. Naturally, Obama envisions himself in this role. But it doesn’t matter who the builder is, they will necessarily be incapable of processing all the information required for managing something so complex as a national economy. No individual or group of individuals can succeed in such a task.

Rather than being built, strong economies emerge through the aggregate actions of free individuals advancing their interests, and works best within a system of basic political and legal infrastructure designed to foster economic liberty. In contrast to Obama’s vision for an activist government picking and choosing industries to support, high tax rates and political motivated government spending, this infrastructure limits itself to neutral provision of legal services, property rights and free trade.

This is, in other words, the typical battle between freedom and collectivism. In his State of the Union Speech, President Obama reaffirmed his support for the side of collectivism, economic stagnation, and misery, rather than for freedom and prosperity.



January 2012



The Kiss of Death

Written by , Posted in Economics & the Economy, Energy and the Environment

Note to self: If you ever start an energy company, don’t take government funds and then let Obama talk about it in the State of the Union…

Andrew Restuccia of The Hill is reporting that Ener1, a battery company that President Obama referenced in his State of The Union Speech on Tuesday as an example of successful energy investments, has just filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy.

That’s just two days after the speech.

…In the 2010 State of the Union address, Obama mentioned Solyndra as another successful investment by the government in private-sector green-energy companies.

…It’s obviously hugely embarrassing for the president to give another green-energy company a shout-out in his prime-time speech only to have it declare bankruptcy two days later.

But worry not, because Obama is here to ensure the economy is “built to last.”



January 2012





January 2010