Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.

Honduras Archive



December 2009



Honduran Democracy Survived Onslaught By Leftist Cabal

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The unholy alliance between leftists Hugo Chavez, Manuel Zelaya and Barack Obama suffered a crushing defeat at the polls in Honduras this weekend.

Despite their best efforts to delegitimize the elections, and the claims of pro-Zelaya propaganda, Hondurans impressively turned out at a rate greater than 60% to elect a decidedly non-leftist candidate. Although the Obama administration recently backed off its insistence that it would not recognize the result of the elections, despite their having been scheduled since well before Zelaya was removed from office for his thuggish and unconstitutional plans for dictatorship, the White House worked tirelessly for months to support the efforts of Hugo Chavez and other brutish regimes to create a legitimacy crisis in Honduras.

Still, leftists are continuing to push for crisis in Honduras. Brazil won’t recognize the election, while the United States is again waffling, and threatening to bully Honduras into restoring, however briefly, anti-democratic brute Manuel Zelaya, in what I can only assume is a symbolic gesture to the power of leftwing dictators to tear apart constitutional governments. It seems the thuggish instincts of this Chicago-style President are hard to shake.



November 2009



Who Won In Honduras?

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The Wall Street Journal offers a different view than my initial, pessimistic take:

The big news in Honduras is that the good guys seem to have won a four-month political standoff over the exile of former President Manuel Zelaya. Current President Roberto Micheletti agreed yesterday to submit Mr. Zelaya’s request for reinstatement as president to the Supreme Court and Congress, and in return the U.S. will withdraw its sanctions and recognize next month’s presidential elections.

Mr. Zelaya, whose term would have expired in January, isn’t likely to be reinstated, given that the court has twice ruled against his right to remain in office. The Honduran Congress, which voted in June to remove Mr. Zelaya, will then use that high court’s opinion to decide if he should be restored to power.There is a risk that Venezeula’s Hugo Chávez and other Zelaya allies will try to buy support for their man and stir other trouble. But Hondurans who have rightly stood up to enormous U.S. pressure to reinstate Mr. Zelaya aren’t likely to be intimidated now.

I certainly hope this is true, but I can’t help but wonder whether the U.S. is also using some of its backroom bully tactics on the other branches of the Honduran government.  Might they believe that the U.S. will renege on its end if they don’t go along and restore him to power?  Given the deplorable behavior of the Obama administration up till now, it’s entirely possible.



October 2009



Leftwing Dictator Forced On People Of Honduras By Barack Obama

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One of the most disgraceful episodes in American foreign policy has come to an end.  Intent on destroying Honduran democracy, President Barack Obama sided with fellow leftwing thug Manuel Zelaya after he was legally removed from office for trying to subvert his nation’s democracy.

Thanks to intense pressure and bullying from our contemptible government, along with the rest of the world’s thuggish dictators like Hugo Chavez, the interim government of Honduras, which sought only to survive until scheduled elections this month, has caved and allowed for the possibility of Zelaya’s return.

“Tonight I am pleased to announce that … I authorized my negotiating team to sign a final accord that marks the beginning of the end to the political situation in the country,” interim President Roberto Micheletti said in a televised address.

The agreement appears to soften Micheletti’s previous stance that the Supreme Court — which has already rejected Zelaya’s reinstatement — decide the issue.

Instead, the high court would make a recommendation, but the final decision would be left to a vote in Congress.

Sanity and the rule of law may yet prevail if their Congress, like their Supreme Court, rejects this bullying.  And bullying is obviously what led Micheletti into the deal, as his primary motivation is undoing the damage outside thugs are trying to do to the people of Honduras:

Micheletti called the pact a “significant concession” on his part. He also said that one of the provisions of the pact requires foreign powers to drop sanctions and reverse aid cutoffs imposed after the coup, and send observers to the upcoming elections.

This White House has done everything it can to restore the thug to power.  It has revoked the visas of all members of the Honduran Supreme Court, stirred up international pressure, revoked aid, installed sanctions and just generally opposed democracy. Micheletti’s primary concern appears to be the people of Honduras and democracy. The primary concern of Barack Obama is protecting leftist strongmen. Disgraceful.




October 2009



See What You're Missing, Honduras?

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If only Honduras had bowed to the bullying of the Obama administration, they could have this to look forward to:

Last week, President Ortega inadvertently provided the best defense yet of the Honduran decision this summer to remove Manuel Zelaya from the presidency. Nicaragua has a one-term limit for presidents, and Mr. Ortega’s term expires in 2011. However, the Nicaraguan doesn’t want to leave, and so he asked the Sandinista-controlled Supreme Court to overturn the constitutional ban on his re-election.

Last week the court’s constitutional panel obliged him. The Nicaraguan press reported that the vote was held before three opposition judges could reach the chamber in time for the session. Three alternative judges, all Sandinistas, took their place and the court gave Mr. Ortega the green light. Mr. Ortega has decreed that the ruling cannot be appealed.

Huzzah for leftwing dictators!



August 2009



Administration Still Pushing Honduras ‘Coup’ Lie

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While the nation is distracted with plans before congress to annex the health care industry, Hillary Clinton’s State Department is quietly continuing the unconscionable assault on tiny Honduras for daring to kick out a budding left-wing dictator.

U.S. State Department staff have recommended that the ouster of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya be declared a “military coup,” a U.S. official said on Thursday, a step that could cut off as much as $150 million in U.S. funding to the impoverished Central American nation.

The official, who spoke on condition he not be named, said State Department staff had made such a recommendation to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has yet to make a decision on the matter although one was likely soon.

Washington has already suspended about $18 million aid to Honduras following the June 28 coup and this would be formally cut if the determination is made because of a U.S. law barring aid “to the government of any country whose duly elected head of government is deposed by military coup or decree.”

Much of our aid money is a total waste and does little good for those who receive it.  I don’t know about the quality of aid money going to Honduras, but this isn’t about the efficacy of aid in general or even in the particular case of Honduras, as it is not being singled out for reasons of effectiveness. This is about a partnership that has formed between this administration and Latin America’s worst dictatorial thugs, the goal of which is to bully, cajole and intimidate Honduras into returning to power a fellow leftist strong-man.



July 2009



Results For Zelaya's Referendum Discovered

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Wanna-be dictator Manuel Zelaya really was planning to follow the Chavez playbook for seizing power in his referendum on Honduran constitutional change. Babalu-blog reports:

A Spanish Catalan newspaper is reporting that Honduran authorities have seized computers found in the Presidential Palace belonging to deposed president Mel Zelaya. Taking a page right out of the leftist dictator’s handbook, these computers, according to the news report, contained the official and certified results of the illegal constitutional referendum Zelaya wanted to conduct that never took place. The results of this fraudulent vote was tilted heavily in Zelaya’s favor, ensuring he could go ahead and illegally change the constitution so he could remain in power for as long as he wanted to. ACORN, I’m sure, is taking notes.

American media is refusing to report on these bomb-shell developments.  Wouldn’t want to embarrass The One for supporting Zelaya and ‘democracy,’ after all.



June 2009



Did Honduras Have A Coup?

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The media says yes. Tales of the Honduran coup are all over the major media outlets.  They are cheerfully repeating the claims of leftist Latin America leaders like Hugo Chavez, that President Zelaya was ousted in a “coup.”  A superficial understanding of the fact, that the military removed him from office, certainly supports this claim.  A closer inspection of the events that led up to Zelaya’s ouster, however, suggests that what transpired was actually a defense of democracy against the assault of a power hungry populist leftist.

That Mr. Zelaya acted as if he were above the law, there is no doubt. While Honduran law allows for a constitutional rewrite, the power to open that door does not lie with the president. A constituent assembly can only be called through a national referendum approved by its Congress.

But Mr. Zelaya declared the vote on his own and had Mr. Chávez ship him the necessary ballots from Venezuela. The Supreme Court ruled his referendum unconstitutional, and it instructed the military not to carry out the logistics of the vote as it normally would do.

The top military commander, Gen. Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, told the president that he would have to comply. Mr. Zelaya promptly fired him. The Supreme Court ordered him reinstated. Mr. Zelaya refused.

Calculating that some critical mass of Hondurans would take his side, the president decided he would run the referendum himself. So on Thursday he led a mob that broke into the military installation where the ballots from Venezuela were being stored and then had his supporters distribute them in defiance of the Supreme Court’s order.

The attorney general had already made clear that the referendum was illegal, and he further announced that he would prosecute anyone involved in carrying it out. Yesterday, Mr. Zelaya was arrested by the military and is now in exile in Costa Rica.

After the would be dictator was ousted, the military promptly stepped aside and allowed the political branches to follow the proper protocol in replacing Zelaya.  The Congress, after voting to remove Zelaya, subsequently replaced him in a manner “mandated by the constitution.” This is not the stuff of coups.

Dr. Palmer observes:

Imagine that George Bush, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan or some other American president had decided to overturn the Constitution so that he could stay in power beyond the constitutionally limited time. To do that, he orders a nationwide referendum that is not constitutionally authorized and blatantly illegal. The Federal Election Commission rules that it is illegal. The Supreme Court rules that it is illegal. The Congress votes to strip the president of his powers and, as members of Congress are not that good at overcoming the president’s personally loyal and handpicked bodyguards, they send police and military to arrest the president. Now, which party is guilty of leading a coup?

Meanwhile, while Obama felt that even rhetoric would constitute “meddling” in Iran, his White House has put considerable effort into first defending and now restoring to power a would-be leftist dictator.  Where are his priorities?

Update: Heritage has more.