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feminism Archive



April 2011



Feminist Professor Freaks Out Over Conservatives on Campus

Written by , Posted in General/Misc.

The story:

A University of Iowa professor who studies same-sex relationships was so upset by a mass email from a campus Republican group promoting “Conservative Coming Out Week” that she fired off a vulgarity aimed at all Republicans.

Ellen Lewin, a professor of Anthropology and Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies in the Department of Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies, responded to the email by writing, “F*** YOU, REPUBLICANS” from her official University of Iowa email account.

First of all, what a ridiculous title. Why do we need “Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies” professors, much less whole departments. Second, this isn’t the worst of the story. She was scolded for her left-wing hate, but rather than simply apologize and take responsibility, she offered this blame shifting non-apology:

Lewin later wrote back to explain, “This is a time when political passions are inflamed, and when I received your unsolicited email, I had just finished reading some newspaper accounts of fresh outrages committed by Republicans in government. I admit the language was inappropriate, and apologize for any affront to anyone’s delicate sensibilities. I would really appreciate your not sending blanket emails to everyone on campus, especially in these difficult times.”

In a later email to the group, Lewin wrote the following:

“I should note that several things in the original message were extremely offensive, nearly rising to the level of obscenity. Despite the Republicans’ general disdain for LGBT rights you called your upcoming event ‘conservative coming out day,’ appropriating the language of the LGBT right movement. Your reference to the Wisconsin protests suggested that they were frivolous attempts to avoid work. And the ‘Animal Rights BBQ’ is extremely insensitive to those who consider animal rights an important cause. Then, in the email that Ms. Ginty sent complaining about my language, she referred to me as Ellen, not Professor Lewin, which is the correct way for a student to address a faculty member, or indeed, for anyone to refer to an adult with whom they are not acquainted. I do apologize for my intemperate language, but the message you all sent out was extremely disturbing and offensive.”

It turns out that professor of Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies really just means professor of victimology. Let’s count how many times she wrapped herself in a cloak of victimhood while blaming the real victims.

This is a time when political passions are inflamed, and when I received your unsolicited email, I had just finished reading some newspaper accounts of fresh outrages committed by Republicans in government.

One. Republicans in government are doing horrible things (read: things she disagrees with), and therefore her reaction is justified. And her claim that “this is a time when political passions are inflamed” is tellingly self-centered. Political passions are always inflamed; hers are just particularly inflamed right now because the Democratic experiment failed in spectacular fashion, and the inherent contradictions of the tax and spend liberal society are making themselves increasingly apparent.

I admit the language was inappropriate, and apologize for any affront to anyone’s delicate sensibilities.

Two. Her language was “inappropriate,” but only because of “delicate sensibilities.” But really, it wasn’t so much her language that was the problem as her ridiculous, overwrought reaction when faced with the prospect that there might be more than one point of view represented on a campus ostensibly devoted to higher learning. So much for “diversity.”

I would really appreciate your not sending blanket emails to everyone on campus, especially in these difficult times.

Three. How dare she be sent an email which had to first be approved by UI Student Services before it could be sent to the mass list. That’s especially true “in these difficult times,” when the peasants are rebelling against their intellectual superiors and rightful overlords. Tea Partiers tossing Pelosi on her rump, unions being defanged in Wisconsin, cats and dogs living together…mass hysteria!

I should note that several things in the original message were extremely offensive, nearly rising to the level of obscenity.


Despite the Republicans’ general disdain for LGBT rights you called your upcoming event ‘conservative coming out day,’ appropriating the language of the LGBT right movement.

Four. I can’t imagine what would ever give UI conservatives the idea that they must stay in hiding, or face vitriol and intolerance.

Your reference to the Wisconsin protests suggested that they were frivolous attempts to avoid work.

Five. How dare you suggest that people should show up to work, or not be allowed to pilfer the public coffers at will.

And the ‘Animal Rights BBQ’ is extremely insensitive to those who consider animal rights an important cause.

Six. Merely having a position that someone might disagree with is now “insensitive.” Meanwhile, this woman’s entire pathetic existence is insensitive to those of us against identity politics, or just worthless human beings in general.

Then, in the email that Ms. Ginty sent complaining about my language, she referred to me as Ellen, not Professor Lewin, which is the correct way for a student to address a faculty member, or indeed, for anyone to refer to an adult with whom they are not acquainted. I do apologize for my intemperate language, but the message you all sent out was extremely disturbing and offensive.

Setting aside the fact that Ellen’s specialty is a joke, she has demonstrated nothing to warrant either respect or presumption of adulthood, which requires more than mere age. Ellen is an intemperate child who reacts violently when faced with the slightest prospect that the world does not revolve around her and her failed ideology.

She is so ingrained in her victimology, she blamed others for her outrageous behaviors 6 times in her supposed apology. Her liberalism is clearly her religion, and we dissenters are heretics deserving of being burned at the stake.



April 2011



Mexico: A Feminist Utopia?

Written by , Posted in General/Misc.

Mexican men beware – if you cross an arbitrary line for the acceptable levels of jealousy allowed to be exhibited, show “indifference” toward your wife, or neglect her carnal needs, you might just find yourself behind bars:

Mexican men who display extreme jealousy or avoid sex with their wives could be tried in court and punished under a new law, the special prosecutor for crimes against women told a local newspaper on Friday.

Men who phone their wives every half hour to check up on them, constantly suspect them of infidelity or try to control the way they dress are committing the crime of jealousy, special prosecutor Alicia Elena Perez Duarte told Excelsior newspaper.

Those who stop talking to their wives, avoid sex or try to convince suspicious spouses they are “crazy” even if they are caught red-handed having an affair, are guilty of indifference, she said.

Men found guilty of jealousy or indifference could face up to five years in prison, the newspaper said. Mexico’s individual states will determine the punishments, it said.

Controlling women, presumably, are just keeping their philandering men in line. Or so we are left to surmise.

From what I gather, the law is ostensibly designed to reduce domestic violence by criminalizing sometimes correlated behaviors, but that is simply sloppy lawmaking. The result is a law patronizing women by presuming they cannot deal with civil disputes on their own like adults, and subjects men to a ridiculous double-standard, effectively codifying in the criminal code the already existing social view in Western societies that anything men do is immediately suspect.

I’d say this is a feminist Utopia, but it’s not quite. If that were true, merely being married would be evidence of criminal patriarchal oppression.



October 2009