Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.

Media Bias Archive



March 2010



Prices So Low, They’re Racist

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ABC smells racism behind Walmart’s price cutting of black barbie dolls.

Walmart is raising eyebrows after cutting the price of a black Barbie doll to nearly half of that of the doll’s white counterpart at one store and possibly others.

…”To prepare for (s)pring inventory, a number of items are marked for clearance, ” spokeswoman Melissa O’Brien said in an e-mail. “… Both are great dolls. The red price sticker indicates that this particular doll was on clearance when the photo was taken, and though both dolls were priced the same to start, one was marked down due to its lower sales to hopefully increase purchase from customers.”

“Pricing like items differently is a part of inventory management in retailing,” O’Brien said.

But critics say Walmart should have been more sensitive in its pricing choice.

“The implication of the lowering of the price is that’s devaluing the black doll,” said Thelma Dye, the executive director of the Northside Center for Child Development, a Harlem, N.Y. organization founded by pioneering psychologists and segregation researchers Kenneth B. Clark and Marnie Phipps Clark.

This is so dumb. Goods are priced based on sales. The price of the doll with the lower number of sales was cut so that sales would pick up.

ABC is scraping the bottom of the barrel here.  It isn’t necessarily surprising that they were able to find so many race-obsessed “critics” to spout such nonsense.  The race mongering industry is thriving, after all.

But this is a clear case of starting from a conclusion (raaaaaacism), and finding a story to fit it.  Just imagine, for instance, if the price differential had been reversed.  What if black barbie cost more? Why, that would be racist against black barbie, too. Rather than being “devauled,” ABC would find “critics” to argue that Walmart was trying to hurt sales of black barbie and keep it out of the hands of poorer black customers.

This is agenda journalism, plain and simple.

Hat-tip: Right Wing News



February 2010



Frank Rich Dishonestly Associates Joseph Stack With Tea Party

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Frank Rich writes a lot of nonsense.  His latest column can only be described as deranged, as he flails about trying to tar the entire conservative and tea party movements as unhinged.  In order to do so, he must play fast and loose with the facts.  One such lie involves the man who flew a plan into an IRS building:

Stack was a lone madman, and it would be both glib and inaccurate to call him a card-carrying Tea Partier or a “Tea Party terrorist.” But he did leave behind a manifesto whose frothing anti-government, anti-tax rage overlaps with some of those marching under the Tea Party banner.

He’s not a card-carrying member, but there are disturbing “overlaps.” You see how he does that?  Very sneaky.

Yet the picture he paints of Stack as a right-wing nut is entirely dishonest, though he is not the first to try do so.

Left out of Rich’s characterization of Stack are the many aspects of his manifesto which overlap mainstream leftwing thought, including that of Frank Rich.  He attacks drug and insurance companies.  He complains about corporate profits.  He swipes at organized religion.  He calls George W. Bush a “puppet.”  And then he finally ends by mocking capitalism.

But Frank Rich sees overlaps with the Tea Party.

The truth is that Joseph Stack will not fit into any tidy ideological box.  His rant runs the ideological spectrum, making it easy to find a sentence here or there to hang around the neck of whomever one seeks to target for guilt by association of thought.   The only real theme that unifies it all is that he saw our government as broken.  It seems most Americans, from left and right, are guilty of agreeing.



January 2010





December 2009



Expecting Sound Government Policy Makes You A "Vigilante"

Written by , Posted in Economics & the Economy, Media Bias

That according to the New York Times, anyway.

You see, bond traders who make sound market decisions based on government policy are apparently “pressuring” governments not to spend recklessly, much in the same way that stock traders “pressure” companies not to piss money down the toilet.  In the eyes of the New York Times, this is somehow nefarious.

The bond vigilantes are back.

But this time they are roaming mostly through Europe rather than the United States — at least for now. Their mission: to force governments to cut budget deficits that have ballooned in the wake of the financial crisis.

…Although the left-leaning governments in both countries are struggling to show investors that they have a workable plan to reduce deficits — which now average around 13 percent of gross domestic product — bond traders are increasingly demanding higher interest rates to reflect the rising risks.

No! How dare these “vigilantes” go around “roaming” the streets, just looking for good leftist governments to beat up on!?



October 2009



It's Still Misleading

Written by , Posted in Health Care, Welfare & Entitlements, Media Bias

NPR has finally decided to stop lying about health care statistics:

NPR’S deputy senior supervising editor Joe Neel drafted an e-mail that was sent out Oct. 14 to member stations addressing the number of uninsured. The e-mail clarified proper use of Census Bureau statistics and advised staff to “avoid the construction ’46 million Americans.'” That number has been a flashpoint throughout the health care debate.

The NPR e-mail said, “We are sticking with the 46 million number issued by the Census Bureau in September (for 2008). It’s the number of people in the U.S. who lack insurance coverage at any point during the prior 12 months. It includes citizens, legal residents and undocumented immigrants.”

The e-mail went on to explain how not to report the issue. “Better to say ’46 million uninsured in America,’ or ‘the nation’s 46 million uninsured people,’ or any other formulation that does not label all 46 million as citizens,” the e-mail continued.

Although it’s nice that they caught on, however belatedly, to the fact that it’s a lie to label a group as Americans when it includes people here illegally, the 46 million figure is still dishonestly misleading.  As the email says, it is the total number “who lack insurance coverage at any point during the prior 12 months.”  This necessarily includes a large number who merely transitioned from one plan to another.  Why, exactly, should these people be included in the same group with those who can’t afford coverage? And then there’s always those who can afford it but don’t buy it – also included in the NPR preferred figures.

How exactly does this mishmash of groups into one statistic inform the debate? There is no good answer to that, and NPR won’t bother trying to find one.  They’ll continue to regurgitate the Democratic talking points that there are 46 million people in America that justify a government takeover of health insurance. Their figures are wrong, and so are their solutions.



September 2009



NPR’s Crocodile Tears

Written by , Posted in Election Time, Liberty & Limited Government, Media Bias

An NPR piece spotlights Rep. Inglis, a South Carolina Republican facing primary competition after being targeted as a RINO.  I don’t know much about Inglis, so I’m not going to get into the merits of whether or not he is a RINO.  But I do want to point out the utter shallowness and one-sided nature of NPR’s analysis.

The article repeatedly points out the risks of targeting moderate GOPers.  If the RINOs are ousted, the party will be too small to compete, they claim.  There is a basis for this concern, as obviously there must be a balancing act between enforcement of principles and inclusion.  But they present a false choice when they make it seem as if Republicans can either have a smaller, more principled party or a larger one which includes a few squishy moderates.   There are in fact other possibilities.  Disillusioned conservatives that stayed home the last few elections could be persuaded to return if the party more consistently represents its stated principles.  Likewise, if they continue to stray too far from them, even more might abandon the GOP.

What they completely ignore while fretting about the costs of ousting a few RINOs is that the party has already shrunk, and it did it by being too much like the Democrats.  Republicans didn’t lose the House, the Senate and the White House by purging the party of moderates, they lost it by being moderate – i.e. by proposing big government solutions to things like education and prescription drugs, and just generally spending like there was no tomorrow.

But the public is fed up, and there is a strong anti-incumbent, anti-government movement brewing.  If the Republicans are able to capture this movement, a feat that is not at all certain, it is likely to work to their benefit.  But in order to do so, it will necessarily mean replacing some old Washington incumbents with new, more principled blood.



September 2009



China Strikes Back, New York Times In Shock

Written by , Posted in Free Markets, Media Bias

Following President Obama’s launching of (trade) war against China, the world’s most populous nation and our second biggest trading partner, they have predictably struck back.  Predictably, that is, unless you work at the New York Times:

China unexpectedly increased pressure Sunday on the United States in a widening trade dispute, taking the first steps toward imposing tariffs on American exports of automotive products and chicken meat in retaliation for President Obama’s decision late Friday to levy tariffs on tires from China.

How utterly unexpected of them. I mean, who could have possibly predicted that slapping tariffs on Chinese tires simply because Americans wanted to purchase, and thus were sold, a high number of them would be just the first shot in a new trade war?

The article also provides the usual misinformed scaremongering about the so-called trade deficit:

Mr. Obama’s decision to impose a tariff of up to 35 percent on Chinese tires is a signal that he plans to deliver on his promise to labor unions that he would more strictly enforce trade laws, especially against China, which has become the world’s factory while the United States has lost millions of manufacturing jobs. The trade deficit with China was a record $268 billion in 2008.

The implications couldn’t be clearer, nor more wrong. There’s little evidence that China’s increases in manufacturer have come out the expense of American jobs. While the American manufacturing sector has indeed lost jobs, it has been doing so at the same, steady pace for over 50 years – well before China was a player. America manufactures more today then ever before, but thanks to gains in productivity it also requires less labor to do so.

The bit about the trade deficit is clearly tacked on as an ominous indication of the Chinese economic threat, and thus a justification for “more strictly enforc[ing] trade laws.” Later the article notes, “the United States buys $4.46 worth of Chinese goods for every $1 worth of American goods sold to China.” Good for us that we get $4.46 worth of goods for every $1 worth we give up! Don Boudreax at Cafe Hayek recently explained by example the idea that exports are the costs, while imports are the benefits.

He also made the point that retaliation is self-defeating. Unfortunately, the tire tariff is likely to spur pressure from other domestic special interests who don’t want to compete in a free market, and the Chinese retaliation gives them further political cover.  Let’s hope President Obama comes to his senses soon and stops this cycle or we’re in for a world of hurt.



August 2009



Kennedy’s Self-Serving Letter

Written by , Posted in Health Care, Welfare & Entitlements, Media Bias

The media is falling all over itself with Senator Kennedy’s selfless request that the Massachusetts legislature change the rules for appointing a successor to his seat in the event of his death, all in the name of ensuring passage of wonderful, free health care for all Americans.  Hooray!

It’s all bunk.

In 2004, Mitt Romney was the governor of Massachusetts.  If John Kerry had won the election, current Massachusetts law would have allowed Romney to replace him in the Senate.  Democrats couldn’t allow this and changed the law specifically to prevent a republican appointment.  Senator Kennedy supported this political gamesmanship, and that’s exactly what he is engaging in now.



August 2009



Breaking News On MSNBC: Man Uses Multiple Constitutional Rights

Written by , Posted in Gun Rights, Health Care, Welfare & Entitlements, Media Bias

MSNBC is freaking out.  Apparently the exercise of not one, but two constitutional rights at the same time is too much for the liberal network to handle.  An American with a gun? The horror!

Outside the event where President Obama will conduct his town hall, there is an anti-Obama protestor with a gun — a pistol strapped to his lower leg.

The local police chief said it’s legal for the man to have a registered handgun — as long as it is not concealed. What’s more, he is on private property, a church yard, which has given him permission to be there.

*** UPDATE *** More on the man with the gun… William Kostric is a married man in his mid 30S who works in sales. He says he moved here to New Hampshire from Arizona about a year ago, because it’s a “live free or die” state — and he thought Arizona was becoming too restrictive with its gun laws.

The local police say he is within his rights to carry a handgun openly under state law. He was carrying a 9-mm Smith and Wesson strapped to his lower leg.

Police say he’s OK on a public sidewalk. Kostric says he has permission from a church just down the street from the high school to be on its private property.

Be warned: the ignorant, anti-freedom attitude continues in the article’s comments.

Update: Chris Mathews makes an ass of himself.  Kostric handles his hysterics well.



July 2009



Results For Zelaya's Referendum Discovered

Written by , Posted in Foreign Affairs & Policy, Media Bias

Wanna-be dictator Manuel Zelaya really was planning to follow the Chavez playbook for seizing power in his referendum on Honduran constitutional change. Babalu-blog reports:

A Spanish Catalan newspaper is reporting that Honduran authorities have seized computers found in the Presidential Palace belonging to deposed president Mel Zelaya. Taking a page right out of the leftist dictator’s handbook, these computers, according to the news report, contained the official and certified results of the illegal constitutional referendum Zelaya wanted to conduct that never took place. The results of this fraudulent vote was tilted heavily in Zelaya’s favor, ensuring he could go ahead and illegally change the constitution so he could remain in power for as long as he wanted to. ACORN, I’m sure, is taking notes.

American media is refusing to report on these bomb-shell developments.  Wouldn’t want to embarrass The One for supporting Zelaya and ‘democracy,’ after all.