Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.

Gun Rights Archive



January 2012



Overgovernment: Hoplophobia Edition

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Hoplophobia is the irrational fear of firearms. It is a term which describes accurately the mental derangement exhibited by the state of New York, and in particular by New York’s Supreme Dictator for Life Michael Bloomberg, regarding any issue remotely related to guns:

The owner of a discount store in Brooklyn says the city is holding him up for $30,000 in fines he can’t afford — all because he stocked six toy sheriff sets that included plastic guns.

And now the .44-caliber fines for the orange-tipped, obvious fakes are forcing him to close for good.

“It doesn’t make any sense,” said Khaled Mohamed, 23, manager of 99¢ Target in Flatlands, which has been ordered to pay a staggering $5,000 fine for each gun offered for sale — the maximum under the law.

New York is a classic example of what happens when a population becomes overgoverned.



September 2011



Bloomberg Seizes on Weekend Crime to Attack Gun Rights

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New York had a bloody weekend. Over a span of roughly 48 hours, 31 people were shot. Mayor Bloomberg responded by whining to the Feds to do more gun confiscating.

The series of violence urged Mayor Michael Bloomberg to call the federal government to step up for stricter gun control laws.

Co-chair of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Bloomberg has lobbied Washington repeatedly to tighten gun laws.

“It is just unconscionable. We cannot tolerate it,” said Mayor at the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn on Sunday.

This is typical anti-gun nonsense from the golden boy of the dishonestly non-ideological No Labels crowd in the muddled middle. Rather than condemning the actual criminals, he seeks to limit freedoms. Never mind that stricter gun control laws have never been tied to reduced crime (and typically the opposite is found). For instance, when Washington D.C. instituted the strictest gun control policy in the country in the 1970’s, the murder rate skyrocketed. And despite recently having their gun policy slapped down as unconstitutional in Heller, D.C. continues to have both very strict gun control laws and extremely high crime rates.



August 2011



Those Guns Have Cooties, Kids

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Britain continues its well documented spiral into a collective, moonbattery-fueled madness (Hat-tip: Michelle Malkin):

Children will be banned from watching shooting events under Boris Johnson’s Olympic ticket giveaway.

London schoolchildren are eligible for 125,000 Olympic tickets but these will not include any featuring guns, as Games organisers and City Hall fear a backlash from the anti-gun lobby.

Giving children tickets to the events, at the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, could have appeared at odds with Mayor Boris Johnson’s bid to quell teenage gun and knife crime.

It is a weird thing to observe the downfall of a culture that has lost all grip on reality.



May 2011



Ignorant Cop Harasses Gun Owner, Prosecutors Blame the Victim

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Continuing the recent theme of police abuses and outrageous legal decisions which demand we bend over and take them, comes another story of flagrant police abuse and disrespect for the law:

Mark Fiorino, a 25-year-old IT worker from suburban Montgomery County, was walking on the street in northeast Philadelphia on Feb. 13 with his handgun exposed on his hip — and an audio recorder in his pocket. A police officer driving by in a cruiser, Sgt. Michael Dougherty, stopped and called out to him, prompting a tense, 40-minute encounter.

“Do you know you can’t openly carry here in Philadelphia?” Dougherty asks, according to the YouTube clip. Fiorino responds, “Yes, you can, if you have a license to carry firearms. … It’s Directive 137. It’s your own internal directive.”

After some profanity-laced back-and-forth, other officers responded to Dougherty’s calls for backup. Fiorino was forced to the ground as he tried to explain that he had a firearms license and was legally allowed to carry his gun openly. He had his permit on him, along with his driver’s license.

Basically, because the Philadelphia police did not even know the law they are asked to enforce, and are also power-tripping a-holes, this man was harassed and threated at gun-point by the police. And contrary to this report, there was not a “profanity-laced back-and-forth,” as there was only profanity coming from one side: the police. We know this because the audio is posted on YouTube.

But this is even worse than a case of police ignorance and abuse of authority, both of which are fairly typical. It’s also a case of the legal system stepping on the law abiding citizen to protect said “law enforcement” personnel. You see, the a-hole DA, protecting his a-hole cop buddy, charged Fiorina with “disorderly conduct:”

Several weeks after the altercation, after it was posted on YouTube, Commissioner Charles Ramsey had detectives look into the case, Evers said. On April 21, Evers said, Fiorino was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct and recklessly endangering another person. The confrontation could have led to Fiorino getting shot and officers racing to the scene also could have been injured in an accident, police said.

On Saturday, several dozen gun-owners turned out at City Hall to protest Fiorino’s arrest.

Fiorino told the Philadelphia Daily News he plans to sue the city whenever his criminal case is resolved. His attorney, Joseph Valvo, said he thinks the move to file criminal charges against Fiorino was retaliation for posting the recordings on YouTube.

Fiorina “endangered another person” by apparently provoking a cop into displaying his abusive ignorance by trying to enforce a law that does not exist and pointing a gun at him. That’s about as legitimate as charging a rape victim for disturbing the peace.

Everyone should record every interaction they have with the police. To fail to do so is to invite them to lie about their abuses, and then blame their victims for it. While the post-incident harassment here is no doubt based on the fact that he exposed their behavior, it is only because of his recording that we know the truth. And more importantly, had he not been recording them – a fact which they discovered – they probably would have made up some other charges to hit him with.

Remind me again why so many conservatives are automatically deferential and assume that “law enforcement” can do no wrong in this country?



January 2011



Next Item on the Crisis Exploitation Agenda: Fairness Doctrine

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Not satisfied with exploiting a mass murder committed by a nutcase – one too crazy to hold coherent ideological views – by disingenuously trying to shame political opponents into submission to the liberal agenda, the left is now moving on even from the easily predictable push for gun control. Trampling over one Constitutional amendment is not enough, so now they’re also using the event as an excuse to once again call for the return of the loathsome and misnamed ‘Fairness Doctrine’.

Leading the charge is James Clyburn, who tried to tie the shooting to the House reading of the Constitution. We need to “rethink parameters on free speech,” he says. My liberalspeak translator informs me that rethinking the parameters necessarily involves regulations designed to shut down conservative speech, because as the left has so deftly proven, conservatives are the only Hatey McHaters hating the place up.

Imagine how bad it would be if the Democrats still had a majority right now. You might not have any rights left by the time a solid Democratic majority was through not letting this ‘crisis’ go to waste.



May 2010



Gun Rights Still Not Safe Post-Heller

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Despite the landmark victory in the Heller case, the constitutional right to bear arms for defensive purposes is still constantly under assault.  New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg recently testified in the Senate over a supposed “terror gap” in gun laws.

New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg told a Senate panel Wednesday that he strongly supports congressional efforts to close a “terror gap” in the nation’s gun laws, which currently allow persons on a federal terrorist watch list to buy guns and explosives legally in the United States.

Testifying before the Senate Homeland Security Committee in the wake of the latest alleged terrorist plot against his city, Bloomberg (I) pointed to a new Government Accountability Office report showing that individuals on the terrorist watch list were able to buy firearms and explosives from licensed U.S. dealers 1,119 times over the past six years.

“That is a serious and dangerous breach of national security,” Bloomberg testified. The FBI should have the authority to block such sales, “but right now, they don’t,” he said. “It is time to close this ‘terror gap’ in our gun laws.”

It’s not hard to sympathize with the national security argument here, but I think mayor Bloomberg is wrong for several reasons.

First of all, the no-fly list is notoriously problematic. The list contains over 1 million names, all of which are most certainly not terrorists. Moreover, there is a huge difference between flying and owning a gun. That difference rests primarily with the fact that the latter is an expressly granted constitutional right. Rescinding such rights cannot be done merely by adding someone’s name to a list. If that’s all it takes to void the constitution, then this is no longer a nation of law.

Besides the fact that it’s unconstitutional and places a huge burden on the likely hundreds of thousands of Americans who have found themselves on that list despite lacking any terrorist sympathies, it wouldn’t offer any meaningful protection anyway. The idea that real terrorists wouldn’t be able to purchase guns on the black market is absurd. The end result would be that the people you actually want to restrict access to still get weapons, while law-abiding citizens are forced to deal with another (unconstitutional) burden on their basic freedoms.

This is not the first time an effort has been made to deny Second Amendment rights to citizens arbitrarily placed on some list. Assuming it fails, one can only hope it’s the last.



May 2010



Mayors Daley And Nutter Cross A Line

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Despite having some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, violence in Chicago has gotten so bad that some local politicians are calling for deployment of the National Guard.  It’s bad enough when gun control advocates can’t recognize the failure of their own policies, but now Mayor Daley has taken the anti-Second Amendment agenda to a whole new level.  Literally.

Along with several other mayors across the globe, Mayor Daley and Philadelphia Mayor Nutter have signed a resolution which fails to recognize the Constitution as the supreme law of the land and threatens to undermine fundamental rights.

The resolution called for national governments, international human rights groups and public health organizations to help the world’s cities address global gun trafficking and gun violence. It also called on the U.S. to take a leading role “by imposing greater oversight and accountability of the gun industry” with stricter regulation and enforcement of gun trafficking.

The resolution vowed that wherever possible mayors would “seek redress against the gun industry through the courts of the world – including local, state and federal courts, and international courts – for damages caused to our countries, cities and communities by global trafficking of illegal guns.”

“Can you imagine what would happen if gun manufacturers were taken into the World Court and challenged on the issues?” said Philadelphia Mayor Michael A. Nutter.

Make no mistake, this is a direct assault on the right to bear arms in the U.S.  As elected officials within the United States, these mayors have an obligation to uphold and defend the Constitution.  Instead, they are attempting to subvert it by advocating appeal to world bodies that have no democratic accountability in this country.  There are few things imaginable that are greater grounds for impeachment.



March 2010



McDonald v. City of Chicago Heard Today

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The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in McDonald v. City of Chicago today.  The petitioners look to have Heller incorporated via the 14th Amendment and applied to the states.

Aside from this question, the case has also brought up the Privileges or Immunities Clause, which was long ago gutted by the Slaughter-House cases.  Gura and his libertarian faction have sought to overturn these cases and have the 2nd Amendment incorporated via Privileges or Immunities (Cato has a case for reviving P&I), while others have wanted to focus on the simpler case of using Due Process.

Based on accounts of the hearing today, the Court seems unlikely to revisit the Slaughter-House cases.  Thankfully, it is likely to incorporate via Due Process and finally extend 2nd Amendment protections to all Americans.second amendment

Update: Reason has more here and here.



January 2010



Self-Defense Is Not Radical

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While quite possibly setting a new record for hyperbole in a press release, The Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus argues that it is “radical” to grant college students the Constitutional right to defend themselves by bearing arms.

Contrary to the claim of their name, The Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus isn’t actually campaigning to keep guns off campus.  How can they? Banning guns didn’t do anything to stop the Virginia Tech massacre.  Their objective is merely to keep legal guns off campus, so that only trouble makers and those intent on bloody murder will be armed.

They should change their name to The Campaign to Lead College Kids to Slaughter.

See here for a list of dangerous colleges that advocate the outlaw of self-defense, so you know where not to send your kids.



September 2009



Gun Rights Back Before The Supreme Court

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A year after the Heller decision found an individual right to bear arms, the Supreme Court is again considering the question of gun rights. The court granted cert. in McDonald v. City of Chicago, and will hear the question of whether or not the 2nd amendment applies to the states, and not just the federal government, through the process of incorporation via the 14th amendment.

Alan Gura, who successfully argued the Heller case, will be the lead attorney on the side of McDonald, a resident of a high-crime Chicago neighborhood whose application for a gun permit was turned down by the city with arguably the toughest restrictions in the country.