Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.



March 2010

Homeless Shelters Cost More Than Apartments

Written by , Posted in Waste & Government Reform

Another example of how efficiently government solves problems:

Cities, states and the federal government pay more to provide the homeless with short-term shelter and services than what it would cost to rent permanent housing, the U.S. government reports.

…Many communities probably don’t know that they are spending as much “to maintain a cot in a gymnasium with 100 other cots” as it would cost to rent an efficiency apartment, says Dennis Culhane, a University of Pennsylvania professor who studies housing policies. “We are paying for a form of housing that is largely substandard, and we are paying as much, if not more, than standard conventional housing.”

And yet, some people seem to think that government provision of a good or service reduces costs.