France Reaches For Google’s Pockets
Written by Brian Garst, Posted in Taxes
Another successful business targeted for taxation. It’s like the statists don’t want people to be successful:
The proposal, outlined in a government-commissioned survey, has set the scene for a new Gallic run-in with Google – fast becoming the global internet behemoth the world loves to hate.
The levy on advertising revenue is the latest plank in France’s drive to regulate the internet, which has seen it enact some of the world’s toughest antipiracy legislation.
…Guillaume Cerutti, one of the authors of the report said the tax would put an end to “enrichment without any limit or compensation”.
Huh? Google provides a service. The only people looking for enrichment without limit or compensation are the big government statists like Guillaume Cerutti, who want to take from the productive sector without providing any value of their own.
Not that I feel much sympathy for Google, which is notorious for supporting France-style big government right here in the U.S. But I’m also confident that, as the successful search giant is increasingly turned upon by its supposed leftwing allies (because they really do hate any business that is successful), it will realize the error of its ways.