Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.



March 2007

A "Peace" Offer They Can’t Refuse

Written by , Posted in Foreign Affairs & Policy, Media Bias

Arabs want peace, the media declares with glee with headlines like “Arab leaders urge Israel to take peace offer”

Arab leaders urged Israel and the world on Thursday to take up a 5-year-old peace plan to end the conflict with Israel, and the Palestinian president warned of more violence if the “hand of peace” was rejected.

Hmm. So, what do you call it when someone tells you to take a course of action or face violence? If it were Israel or the U.S. making such a statement, it would be called a threat. But apparently when Arabs do it, it’s called a “peace offer”. And that doesn’t even address the fact that what they are actually demanding is a return of land the Arabs lost in a war of aggression against Israel. This isn’t a peace offer; this is extortion. But by dressing up their demands in the cloak of “peace” they get to bemoan the warmongering Israeli’s when their land grab is rightfully rejected, with the media there to help them every step of the way.