Laziest. Scammer. Ever.
Written by Brian Garst, Posted in General/Misc.
I must be getting old, is the conclusion I was forced to reach when I realized even scammers can elicit an “I remember a time when…” thought. Consider this email I received yesterday. The subject reads, “Congrats! £1,500,000.00 GBP Has been Granted to your email.” Here’s the body, in its entirety:
Fill form : Name.. Tel.. Address.. Age..
I remember a time when a scammer was willing to put in some work for his buck. When he would schmooze me with tales of woe, but also whispers of vast fortunes if only I was willing to help. But scammers these days? A bunch of spoiled, lazy, good-for-nothing bums!
Now get of my lawn you da…