Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.



January 2011

Next Item on the Crisis Exploitation Agenda: Fairness Doctrine

Written by , Posted in Big Government, Gun Rights

Not satisfied with exploiting a mass murder committed by a nutcase – one too crazy to hold coherent ideological views – by disingenuously trying to shame political opponents into submission to the liberal agenda, the left is now moving on even from the easily predictable push for gun control. Trampling over one Constitutional amendment is not enough, so now they’re also using the event as an excuse to once again call for the return of the loathsome and misnamed ‘Fairness Doctrine’.

Leading the charge is James Clyburn, who tried to tie the shooting to the House reading of the Constitution. We need to “rethink parameters on free speech,” he says. My liberalspeak translator informs me that rethinking the parameters necessarily involves regulations designed to shut down conservative speech, because as the left has so deftly proven, conservatives are the only Hatey McHaters hating the place up.

Imagine how bad it would be if the Democrats still had a majority right now. You might not have any rights left by the time a solid Democratic majority was through not letting this ‘crisis’ go to waste.