Schools Spy On Student Webcams
Written by Brian Garst, Posted in Big Government, Education
A school district in Pennsylvania is being sued for spying on students in their own homes. Apparently the school system provided laptops to the students, but kept for themselves the ability to turn on and monitor the webcams whenever they pleased.
Michael and Holly Robbins claim they were alerted to the snooping when an assistant principal at Harriton High School warned their son, Blake, in November last year that he was “engaged in improper behaviour in his home”, citing a photo taken on his laptop webcam as evidence.
Mr Robbins said he later verified through the assistant principal, Lindy Matsko, that the school district was able at any time to “remotely activate” the webcam in a student’s laptop and “view and capture” whatever image was in its line of sight, all without the user’s knowledge or permission.
The lawsuit also argues that “many of the images captured and intercepted may consist of minors and their parents or friends in compromising or embarrassing positions” including “various stages of undress”, the lawsuit adds.
At least we can thank our government monopoly education system for showing once again why government cannot be trusted.