At All Costs
Written by Brian Garst, Posted in Health Care, Welfare & Entitlements
Nancy Pelosi and the far left have decided that gaining control of our health care system must be done at any cost. Promises be damned.
Both Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi promised there would be transparency during the health care debate. Pelosi assumed the Speakers role while promising to work at “restoring accountability and openness.” She also promised “ample time” for the public to learn what is in the health care bill. Don’t hold your breath.
At a 2008 debate, Obama said that a potential health care bill would not be negotiated “behind closed doors, but bringing all parties together, and broadcasting those negotiations on C-Span so the American people can see what the choices are.” He lied on all accounts. Democrats are negotiating behind closed doors, will subvert the normal legislative process, and have cut out Republicans. Meanwhile, the CEO of C-Span wrote a letter, thus far to no avail, asking these leaders to live up to their promises by having the process televised.
Faced with this reality, Nancy Pelosi put on her best Baghdad Bob impression and declared, “there has never been a more open process for any legislation.” Au contraire! There has never been a bigger liar serving as Speaker of the House, nor President of the United States.