Lobbying For Me, But Not For Thee
Written by Brian Garst, Posted in Energy and the Environment
Only certain interests can be respectably represented in Washington. Unions are a-okay. Lawyers get the stamp of approval when it comes to lobbying. But businesses? Why, that’s gotta be criminal.
The Chamber of Commerce rightly opposes destroying our economy on the moronic assumption that we can prevent “climate change.” In response, the left has gone completely batty. They latched on to several prominent business defections as evidence that the Chamber is out of touch with environmental issues and to just generally attack the Chamber. What they don’t note is that the companies in question support cap-and-trade because they stand to make billions off of it at the expense of everyone else. This is rent-seeking at its worst, but the left holds it up as an example of model corporate governance.
Now they’ve gone a step further and are calling for criminal investigations. A coalition of anti-business lefties called StopTheChamber whines that, “The Chamber is spending over $100 million to defeat new initiatives to reform the banking and health care industries and oppose legislation to curb global warming.” For this terrible crime of opposing statism, StopTheChamber wants criminal prosecutions. Clearly they must not only be opposed; they must be destroyed.