Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.



August 2009

Breaking News On MSNBC: Man Uses Multiple Constitutional Rights

Written by , Posted in Gun Rights, Health Care, Welfare & Entitlements, Media Bias

MSNBC is freaking out.  Apparently the exercise of not one, but two constitutional rights at the same time is too much for the liberal network to handle.  An American with a gun? The horror!

Outside the event where President Obama will conduct his town hall, there is an anti-Obama protestor with a gun — a pistol strapped to his lower leg.

The local police chief said it’s legal for the man to have a registered handgun — as long as it is not concealed. What’s more, he is on private property, a church yard, which has given him permission to be there.

*** UPDATE *** More on the man with the gun… William Kostric is a married man in his mid 30S who works in sales. He says he moved here to New Hampshire from Arizona about a year ago, because it’s a “live free or die” state — and he thought Arizona was becoming too restrictive with its gun laws.

The local police say he is within his rights to carry a handgun openly under state law. He was carrying a 9-mm Smith and Wesson strapped to his lower leg.

Police say he’s OK on a public sidewalk. Kostric says he has permission from a church just down the street from the high school to be on its private property.

Be warned: the ignorant, anti-freedom attitude continues in the article’s comments.

Update: Chris Mathews makes an ass of himself.  Kostric handles his hysterics well.