Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.



March 2009

We're All Gonna Die! Pt. 18

Written by , Posted in Energy and the Environment

The British are all gonna die…if they don’t kill a bunch of their population first:

JONATHON PORRITT, one of Gordon Brown’s leading green advisers, is to warn that Britain must drastically reduce its population if it is to build a sustainable society.

Porritt’s call will come at this week’s annual conference of the Optimum Population Trust (OPT), of which he is patron.

The trust will release research suggesting UK population must be cut to 30m if the country wants to feed itself sustainably.

Porritt said: “Population growth, plus economic growth, is putting the world under terrible pressure.

The environmentalists hate human progress and prosperity.  They hate that people can better their quality of life, which is why they are all up in arms over the fact that India now has an affordable car.