Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.



December 2006

Iranian Holocaust Conference Proceeding As Expecting

Written by , Posted in Foreign Affairs & Policy

Nothing surprising here.

Addressing a conference in Tehran questioning the existence of the Holocaust on Monday, German-born Australian Frederick Toeben, said the Holocaust was “a great lie to justify the much more serious crimes committed by the Zionists in the past decades.” Toeben, who has served a jail sentence in Germany on charges of inciting racial hatred, denied that six million Jews had died during World War II saying that “if something had ever occurred,” the number of casualties would be much lower.

Holocaust denier Bradley R. Smith of the US told participants he is convinced that “gas chambers never existed because otherwise famous politicians like Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt or the pope [Pious XII] would have certainly spoken.”

Robert Faurisson, a French professor who also denies the existence of gas chambers, addressed the conference Monday saying that it is “courageous and useful to establish the truth about something which never existed.”

“The courage of people like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will allow the truth to emerge in the end and uncover this great lie which has influenced the history of humanity from World War II until today,” he concluded.

Some Iranians, however, don’t appreciate their moonbat leader.

Dozens of Iranian students burnt pictures of President Ahmadinejad and chanted ?Death to the dictator? as he gave a speech at a university in Tehran yesterday.

Never has the hardline leader faced such open hostility at a public event, which came as Iran opened a conference questioning whether Nazi Germany murdered six million Jews.